How to change iCloud password in 57 steps

First you have to find screen of horror, like the one I saw during activation my new iPad. Now sit back, brew a cup of tea and relax. You need it all to survive process of changing password designed by Apple. If happened you on you Mac at the moment,…

Collection Index and magic factor

> An index is an indirect shortcut derived from and pointing into, a greater volume of values, data, information or knowledge. (wikipedia) In general (however it is not the rule) in modern programming languages Index values start at 0 position and ends at "length - 1" position. A…

ObjectivePGP goes Open Source

I have changed my mind I'm a just developer who like to make stuff. A few months ago [] I stated: > Nowadays, programmers are looking for (I have seen it particularly in the case of iOS programmers) ready-made controls and…

Practical Swift: pages generator - build once, use many

In the real world, at some point, we all have to deal with data that is fetched from a backend service, page by page. It's called paging. Everybody does this! Nothing to be ashamed of ;-) Here is one of the ways in which a Swift pattern (well,…

Swift optimizer considered harmful

For some time I struggled with one weird bug reported to CryptoSwift []. Few people report [] that sometimes they got mangled result of decryption with AES. Turn out the code that produce mangled output was PKCS7 [https://tools.ietf.…