Recently I did some more work with raw data and I missed simple tool like NSScanner [] to do the job. So I created MKDataScanner [], which is NSScanner but for NSData…
Privacy — PGP Messenger
Today, I’m launching Privacy [] on AppStore []. My weekend project. It’s the most convenient way to use OpenPGP []. For those who don’t know what PGP [http://www.pgpi.…
Swift Integer Overflow issue
Recently I had this conversation on with Apple engineer. I filled report that application will crash when initialized with bigger value than can be stored in initialized object, as a respond > “determined that this issue behaves as intended. UInt8(u) is a checked conversion. 773162 is…
Swift: Bit type with Generics
Note to myself: Some informations here may be outdated due to lated changes in Swift language. It might be surprising that High Level language like Swift [] have dedicated Bit type. It’s enum actually. Integer actually. enum Bit : Int, RandomAccessIndexType, Reflectable, IntegerArithmeticType { case Zero case…
Short story about OpenPGP for iOS and OS X — ObjectivePGP
Two months ago I decided to change the status quo with regard to the access to message encryption using the OpenPGP [] open protocol in iPhone. I have already been working on something similar UNNetPGP [] earlier, so I thought that this will…