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How to be awesome Swift developer

I don't know, but I received enough emails from various people asking me how to be "awesome Swift developer" to write this post. > I’d be an iOS developer and it would be amazing if you could me advise on the right path to follow…

Linux compatible Swift and Swift Package Manager

Apple opensourced Swift [] today, as promised in early 2015. This is great, awesome etc... but I'm not about that here. Together with Swift - programming language, Apple presented Linux port of Swift compiler and some tools. One of the tools is Swift Package Manager [https:…

Code at the end of the queue

Operation and OperationQueue [] are great and useful Foundation framework [] tools for asynchronous tasks. One thing puzzled me though: How can I run code after all my queue operations finish? The simple answer is: use…

Swift reflection about food

Reflection in practice Reflection [] technique may be useful to build quasi generic functions that operate at runtime. It may be quasi type safe, though it uses runtime too - as such can't be optimised/validated during compilation. With Objective-C we…

Where "where" may be used?

This is by far the most faved/retweeted Swift [] tip of mine lately: > don't forget you can do this 🎉 in Swift #swiftlang [] [] — Marcin Krzyzanowski (@krzyzanowskim) November 10,…